AMBE Advanced Multi-Band Excitation. A proprietary speech coding stan-
dard developed by Digital Voice Systems Inc.
ADE Above Deck Equipment. In this instance the antenna unit.
Air Interface Wireless interface.
APN Access Point Name. Destination name for packet communication.
ASK Amplitude Shift Keying. The amplitude of an analog carrier signal
varies in accordance with the bit stream (modulating signal), keep-
ing frequency and phase constant.
ATB Antenna Tracking Block. Mechanism inside the antenna unit which
tracks the satellite.
BGAN Broadband Global Area Network. A global satellite network with te-
lephony, FAX and data transfer capability using portable terminals.
The service is available with high-speed broadband data commu-
BOOTP Bootstrap Protocol. A protocol where, on a TCP/IP network, a client
machine automatically reads information from the server on start-
CS Circuit Switching. When calling with an analog or ISDN telephone,
confirms that connection is made.
CSV Comma Separated Value. Method of digital storage of data struc-
tured in a table of lists form, where each associated item (member)
in a group in association with others is also separated by the com-
mas of its set.
DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. A network application proto-
col used by devices (DHCP clients) to obtain configuration informa-
tion for operation in an Internet Protocol network.
DHCP Lease Length of time a DHCP client is allocated to maintain an IP connec-
tion to DHCP Server. Usually set by Administrator.
DMZ DeMilitarized Zone. A physical or logical subnetwork that contains
an organization's external services from a larger, untrusted net-
work, usually the Internet.
DNS Domain Name Service. The mechanism by which an IP address is
assigned a name by the host.
DSP Digital Signal Processor. A specialized microprocessor designed
specifically for digital signal processing, generally in real-time com-
FPGA Field Programmable Gate Array. A semiconductor device that can
be configured by the customer or designer after manufacturing
FTP File Transfer Protocol. Protocol used to send files on a TCP/IP net-
work, internet, or intranet.