Entry screen
Store user name and password in log. They are required to connect to the internet
via PPPoE.
FELCOM 500 only.
Item Description
Session name Enter session name.
Username for PPPoE
Enter user name
for PPPoE. Use ASCII characters other
than space, ”, . Maximum of 20 characters.
Password for PPPoE
Enter password
for PPPoE. Use ASCII characters other
than space, ”, . Maximum of 20 characters.
(Confirmation) Enter PPPoE password.
Service Select the service to use, among Standard, 8kbps, 16kbps,
32kbps, 64kbps, 128kbps, 256kbps
IP address for PPPoE Display IP address of PPPoE server. Enter IP address of
PPPoE client (*.*.*.0,*.*.*.255. Do not set same IP address
as communication unit.)
Add button Register data. The PPPoE entry screen appears.
Cancel button Restore previous settings of this screen.