F-801 Internal RO System by GE Osmonics
12552e – 27 Feb 04 3 -
5 System Operation
If the product pressure or product flow is insufficient, a low dialysate flow alarm
will occur on the dialysis machine. Small adjustments to the product pressure
may be made with the pressure adjust knob located inside the RO module on the
feed water line.
Read the percent rejection. It should display in the green region between 85-
95% rejection.
The product water must be shown to meet AAMI Standard Water Quality in the
% rejection range displayed on that particular water source (refer to Technote
103, AAMI Maximum Allowable Contaminant Level).
Read the total dissolved solids (TDS). It should read normal for the region.
The alarm should be set to twice the initial installation TDS reading or the next
higher setting.
The product water must be shown to meet AAMI Standard Water Quality in the
TDS range displayed on that particular water source (refer to AAMI Maximum
Allowable Contaminant Level).
Mg/L may be used interchangeably with parts per million (PPM).
An alarm light is located to the right of the mute button that will illuminate if the
product water total dissolved solids displays less than 0.5 mg/L. This is a rare
phenomenon that can occur if the source or feed water is already highly purified;
otherwise, the system needs to be checked.
10. The F-801 RO is now ready for use. Proceed with normal set-up routine.