F-801 Internal RO System by GE Osmonics
12552e – 27 Feb 04 4- 23 Routine Maintenance Formaldehyde Post-Disinfection Rinse Procedure
1. After the dwell time, remove the waste hose and clear accessory flush line from
the disinfect solution and place it in the drain with the appropriate air gap.
Connect the feed line to the pre-filter outlet.
2. Connect the feed line to the water supply. Ensure that the water supply to the
RO unit is ON. If it is partially closed, rotate the dialyze/flush valve to the full
flush position.
3. Turn ON the F-801 RO unit and operate in the flush mode for 2-3 minutes.
This will aid in rinsing the system quickly.
Some pump noise (chattering) is normal in the flush position. Excessive pump
noise (chattering) can be damaging to the pump. The RO is in “flush” from the
full open (flush) position to just before the fully closed (dialyze) position. Adjust
it by partly closing the flush valve to reduce chattering of the pump.
3. Rotate the dialyze/flush valve to the dialyze position.
4. Turn the F-801 RO unit ON. Rinse for 20 minutes with the Dialyze/Flush valve
in the Dialyze position until the % rejection and TDS monitors’ displays
normalize (e.g. 'usual' % rejection and 'usual' TDS reading). Refer to your
operating log for 'usual' readings and compare to the pre-cleaning values.
A. During this rinse period, rotate the Dialyze/Flush valve to the Flush
position briefly and then back to Dialyze three times to build-up and
release pump pressure. This aids in flushing the cleaner from the
5. Test product water for formaldehyde with test kit. If the test is positive,
continue to rinse until a negative test is obtained.
6. When test for formaldehyde is negative, turn the F-801 RO unit OFF.
7. Close the product valve and then disconnect the clear accessory flush tubing
from the product line (white QD / valve) and store properly. Reconnect the
product line to its original connection and open the product valve.
8. Remove the “Do Not Use/Contains Formaldehyde” warning label.
9. The F-801 Internal RO system is now ready for use.
Success of the disinfection procedure may be ascertained by taking a water culture
after completion. See the Product Water Culture Procedure in this chapter.