F-801 Internal RO System by GE Osmonics
12552e – 27 Feb 04 4- 31 Routine Maintenance
4.6 System Storage
This storage procedure has been established to store F-801 RO machines. It is not
recommended that a unit be dormant longer than 24 hours without disinfectant. ROs
that have been left unused for more than 24 hours risk the possibility of colonizing
bacteria and exceeding acceptable limits. ROs to be stored should first be disinfected
with one of the procedures in this chapter. The RO should be stored in a location where
it cannot freeze or become overly hot.
‘RENALIN®’ products (Renalin®, Minncare™, Peracidin™. etc.) are not
acceptable solutions for storage of systems. Exposure of more than 12 hours to
RENALIN® will result in irreversible damage to the membranes.
4.6.1 Formaldehyde Storage Procedure
Always wear rubber gloves, an apron and a facemask. If the room has ventilation,
use it. If not, wear a face respirator with an organic cartridge to remove
formaldehyde fumes. DO NOT BREATHE FUMES OR ALLOW
the MSDS supplied by the manufacturer of the formaldehyde/formalin product.
1. If formaldehyde is chosen to disinfect the RO, follow the instructions for
formaldehyde disinfection.
2. Do not rinse out after the disinfectant has been circulated in the machine.
3. Disconnect the disinfect line, the feed water line, the waste line, power and the
product line.
4. Coil the hoses and power cord, and cover the RO with a large plastic bag to
protect the RO from dust.
After storage, the RO unit must be completely rinsed of formaldehyde, and a
bacterial culture performed and interpreted before use. Perform AAMI analysis if
it has been one year or more since last done.
All ROs can be safely stored in 0.5 to 2 % formaldehyde for up to one year.