
Cd 39 Helvetica CondensedHelvetica Appendix C— Communications Reference
EasyCoder 3400e Bar Code Label Printer User’s Manual 91
RS-422 Serial Interface
Use the RS-422 interface in long line point-to-point direct connect
installations. The printer cable must have the pin assignments for an
RS-422 serial interface shown in the next table.
RS-485 Serial Interface
Use the RS-485 serial interface for Multi-Drop installations only. The
printer cable must have the pin assignments for an RS-485 serial interface
shown in the next table.
RS-232, RS-422, and RS-485 Serial Interface Pin Assignments
Interface Pin Name Operation
RS-232/422/485 1 Chassis Ground (GND) Connect to pin 1, chassis ground, of connected device.
RS-232 2 Transmit Data (TD) Output: Connect to receive data pin of connected device.
RS-232 3 Receive Data (RD) Input: Connect to transmit data pin of connected device.
RS-232/422/485 4 Request to Send (RTS) Output: When you use a modem, connect to modem RTS
pin. The modem sets RTS to true before transmission. The
printer sets RTS to false after transmission.
RS-232/422/485 5 Clear to Send (CTS) Input: When you use a modem, connect to modem CTS
pin. The modem must set CTS true before the printer
transmits data. If not connected, CTS sets itself true.
RS-232/422/485 7 Signal Ground (SG) To enable communications, connect to signal ground of
connected device. Completes circuit for all RS-232 signals.
RS-232/422/485 11 Printer Status (PS) Output: When not using software flow control
(XON/XOFF), connect to input of connected device (for
example, CTS). Indicates printer mechanical status and
status of printer input buffer.
RS-422/485 13 Input B Input: Serial differential data to the printer.
RS-422/485 14 Output A Output: Serial differential data from the printer.
RS-422/485 16 Input A Input: Serial differential data to the printer.
RS-422/485 19 Output B Output: Serial differential data from the printer.
RS-232/422/485 20 Data Terminal Ready
Output: When you use a modem, connect to modem DTR
When using Intermec Standard Protocol, this pin indicates
that the printer is switched on.
When using XON/XOFF or hardware flow control, this pin
indicates the printer mechanical status and the status of the
printer input buffer.