
Cd 39 Helvetica CondensedHelvetica Chapter 2— Operating the Printer
EasyCoder 3400e Bar Code Label Printer User’s Manual 29
Using the PrintSet Software
Use the PrintSet application software to easily configure your printer from
your PC. You can upload the current configuration settings, modify them,
and then download them to your printer.
PrintSet also lets you:
download graphics and fonts.
print test labels using resident fonts, user-defined bitmap graphics, or
resident bar code symbologies.
• allocate printer memory.
download configuration files to multiple printers.
use flash-based firmware (e series).
For help using PrintSet, refer to the online help portion of the application
Using Third-Party Software
You can use third-party software to set many of the printer parameters.
You can configure the parameters that your software does not set by using
the printer command set or the configuration DIP switches.
Use your third-party software to create label formats and convert graphics
into a user-defined character (UDC) format that the printer can interpret.
Refer to your third-party documentation and the IPL Programming
Reference Manual (P/N 066396) for more information.
Using Intermec Printer Language (IPL) Commands
You can create labels by downloading formats (designs) and data with IPL
commands. You can use the printer to perform any function or activate
any feature of the printer except for those features or functions that you set
with the DIP switches. See the IPL Programming Reference Manual for
more information.
Printing a Test Label
If you would like to test your communications by downloading a label,
follow the example below. Use the PrintSet application software to send a
test label to the printer. This example assumes that your printer is
communicating with a PC and that the printer is correctly loaded with