
Cd 39 Helvetica CondensedHelvetica Chapter 1— Getting Started
EasyCoder 3400e Bar Code Label Printer User’s Manual 11
Connecting the Printer to a Mainframe
To connect the printer directly to an IBM mainframe, you need:
a coax adapter card.
a coaxial cable equivalent to IBM part number 2577672 or 1833108.
The maximum cable length allowed is 1,500 meters (4,920 feet). See the
IBM specification Installation and Assembly of Coaxial Cable and Accessories,
part number GA27-2805-4, for further information.
For help on cabling and communications, see the manual that comes with
your coax adapter card.
Cabling in Noisy Electrical Environments
The items listed below create noisy electrical environments that can
disrupt data communications between your host computer and the printer:
Large power transformers
• Large electrical motors
• Arc welders
• Motor controllers
• Switch gears
If any of these items are near your printer, you may want to try the
following suggestions to reduce the effects of electrical noise:
Always use shielded cable. Connect the cable and shield to the metal
backshells on the cable connectors and fasten the connectors to the serial
ports using screws.
Install ferrite cable clamps.
Connect the printer chassis ground to the building ground. You will
find the chassis ground on the ground pin of the printer power cord.
If you need help eliminating electrical noise, ask your Intermec
representative for assistance.