
abbreviations, language codes, 14
abbreviations, language codes, 14abbreviations, language codes, 14
abbreviations, language codes, 14
accessories, ordering, 24
accessories, ordering, 24accessories, ordering, 24
accessories, ordering, 24
acoustic emissions, 27
acoustic emissions, 27acoustic emissions, 27
acoustic emissions, 27
adapter, power, illustration, ii
adapter, power, illustration, iiadapter, power, illustration, ii
adapter, power, illustration, ii
attaching, portable sheet feeder, 5
attaching, portable sheet feeder, 5attaching, portable sheet feeder, 5
attaching, portable sheet feeder, 5
Australia, EMI certification, 27
Australia, EMI certification, 27Australia, EMI certification, 27
Australia, EMI certification, 27
autoexec.bat file, editing, 16
autoexec.bat file, editing, 16autoexec.bat file, editing, 16
autoexec.bat file, editing, 16
B mark certification, 27
B mark certification, 27B mark certification, 27
B mark certification, 27
battery pack
battery packbattery pack
battery pack
charging, 17
installing, 16
removing, 16
when to remove, 4
battery, requirements, 27
battery, requirements, 27battery, requirements, 27
battery, requirements, 27
black print cartridges
black print cartridgesblack print cartridges
black print cartridges
installing, 6
ordering, 24
black printing
black printingblack printing
black printing
resolution, 26
speed of, 26
blinking lights, 20
blinking lights, 20blinking lights, 20
blinking lights, 20
brochure paper, ordering, 25
brochure paper, ordering, 25brochure paper, ordering, 25
brochure paper, ordering, 25
buffer, size of, 26
buffer, size of, 26buffer, size of, 26
buffer, size of, 26
built-in fonts, 26
built-in fonts, 26built-in fonts, 26
built-in fonts, 26
busy, printer, 19
busy, printer, 19busy, printer, 19
busy, printer, 19
buttons, illustration and descriptions, 4
buttons, illustration and descriptions, 4buttons, illustration and descriptions, 4
buttons, illustration and descriptions, 4
connecting, 5
ordering, 24
Canada, safety certifications, 27
Canada, safety certifications, 27Canada, safety certifications, 27
Canada, safety certifications, 27
media handling, 26
paper, 12
cards, ordering paper for, 25
cards, ordering paper for, 25cards, ordering paper for, 25
cards, ordering paper for, 25
handling, 8
illustration, ii
installing, 6
ordering, 24
CCIB certification, 27
CCIB certification, 27CCIB certification, 27
CCIB certification, 27
CE certification, 27
CE certification, 27CE certification, 27
CE certification, 27
CG Times font, 26
CG Times font, 26CG Times font, 26
CG Times font, 26
change cartridge button, illustration and
change cartridge button, illustration andchange cartridge button, illustration and
change cartridge button, illustration and
description, 4
description, 4description, 4
description, 4
changing, autoexec.bat file, 16
changing, autoexec.bat file, 16changing, autoexec.bat file, 16
changing, autoexec.bat file, 16
charging, battery pack, 17
charging, battery pack, 17charging, battery pack, 17
charging, battery pack, 17
China, CCIB certification, 27
China, CCIB certification, 27China, CCIB certification, 27
China, CCIB certification, 27
codes, for languages, 14
codes, for languages, 14codes, for languages, 14
codes, for languages, 14
color print cartridges
color print cartridgescolor print cartridges
color print cartridges
installing, 6
ordering, 24
color printing
color printingcolor printing
color printing
resolution, 26
speed of, 26
ColorSmart II, 26
ColorSmart II, 26ColorSmart II, 26
ColorSmart II, 26
commands, LPT mode, 16
commands, LPT mode, 16commands, LPT mode, 16
commands, LPT mode, 16
computer, connecting printer to, 5
computer, connecting printer to, 5computer, connecting printer to, 5
computer, connecting printer to, 5
cables, 5
portable sheet feeder, 5
power, 5
printer to computer, 5
connections, types supported, 26
connections, types supported, 26connections, types supported, 26
connections, types supported, 26
contacting HP, 29
contacting HP, 29contacting HP, 29
contacting HP, 29
converters, voltage, 4
converters, voltage, 4converters, voltage, 4
converters, voltage, 4
Courier font, 26
Courier font, 26Courier font, 26
Courier font, 26
CSA certification, 27
CSA certification, 27CSA certification, 27
CSA certification, 27
CTICK certification, 27
CTICK certification, 27CTICK certification, 27
CTICK certification, 27
custom paper sizes, 26
custom paper sizes, 26custom paper sizes, 26
custom paper sizes, 26
customer support, 29
customer support, 29customer support, 29
customer support, 29
data transfer, infrared, 26
data transfer, infrared, 26data transfer, infrared, 26
data transfer, infrared, 26
depth of printer, 27
depth of printer, 27depth of printer, 27
depth of printer, 27
device settings tab, 26
device settings tab, 26device settings tab, 26
device settings tab, 26
dimensions, printer, 27
dimensions, printer, 27dimensions, printer, 27
dimensions, printer, 27
installing printer software, 15
language codes, 14
LPT mode command, 16
printer control panel utility, 26
system requirements, 14
dots per inch (dpi), resolution, 26
dots per inch (dpi), resolution, 26dots per inch (dpi), resolution, 26
dots per inch (dpi), resolution, 26
dpi (dots per inch), resolution, 26
dpi (dots per inch), resolution, 26dpi (dots per inch), resolution, 26
dpi (dots per inch), resolution, 26
duty cycle, 27
duty cycle, 27duty cycle, 27
duty cycle, 27
editing, autoexec.bat file, 16
editing, autoexec.bat file, 16editing, autoexec.bat file, 16
editing, autoexec.bat file, 16
EMI certifications, 27
EMI certifications, 27EMI certifications, 27
EMI certifications, 27
emulating LaserJet margins, 26
emulating LaserJet margins, 26emulating LaserJet margins, 26
emulating LaserJet margins, 26
energy consumption, 32
energy consumption, 32energy consumption, 32
energy consumption, 32
Energy Star, 32
Energy Star, 32Energy Star, 32
Energy Star, 32
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA),
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA),Environmental Protection Agency (EPA),
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA),
Energy Star, 32
Energy Star, 32Energy Star, 32
Energy Star, 32
EPA (Environmental Protection Agency),
EPA (Environmental Protection Agency),EPA (Environmental Protection Agency),
EPA (Environmental Protection Agency),
Energy Star, 32
Energy Star, 32Energy Star, 32
Energy Star, 32
feeding paper, 20
mechanism, 20