Statistics aplet 8-15
Plotting You can plot:
• histograms ( )
• box-and-whisker plots ( )
• scatter plots ( ).
Once you have entered your data ( ), defined your
data set ( ), and defined your Fit model for two-
variable statistics (
SETUP-SYMB), you can plot your
data. You can plot up to five scatter or box-and-whisker
plots at a time. You can plot only one histogram at a time.
To plot statistical
1. In Symbolic view ( ), select ( ) the data
sets you want to plot.
2. For one-variable data ( ), select the plot type in
Plot Setup (
press , select either Histogram or
BoxWhisker, and press .
ΣY2 Sum of y
ΣXY Sum of each xy.
SCOV Sample covariance of independent
and dependent data columns.
PCOV Population covariance of
independent and dependent data
CORR Correlation coefficient of the
independent and dependent data
columns for a linear fit only
(regardless of the Fit chosen).
Returns a value from 0 to 1, where
1 is the best fit.
RELERR The relative error for the selected
fit. Provides a measure of accuracy
for the fit.
Statistic Definition (Continued)