Solve aplet 7-1
Solve aplet
About the Solve aplet
The Solve aplet solves an equation or an expression for
its unknown variable. You define an equation or
expression in the symbolic view, then supply values for all
the variables except one in the numeric view. Solve works
only with real numbers.
Note the differences between an equation and an
• An equation contains an equals sign. Its solution is a
value for the unknown variable that makes both sides
have the same value.
• An expression does not contain an equals sign. Its
solution is a root, that is, a value for the unknown
variable that makes the expression have a value of
You can use the Solve aplet to solve an equation for any
one of its variables.
When the Solve aplet is started, it opens in the Solve
Symbolic view.
• In Symbolic view, you specify the expression or
equation to solve. You can define up to ten equations
(or expressions), named E0 to E9. Each equation can
contain up to 27 real variables, named A to Z and θ.
• In Numeric view, you specify the values of the known
variables, highlight the variable that you want to
solve for, and press .
You can solve the equation as many times as you want,
using new values for the knowns and highlighting a
different unknown.
Note: It is not possible to solve for more than one variable
at once. Simultaneous linear equations, for example,