10-4 Using the Finance Solver
Performing TVM
1. Launch the Financial Solver as indicated at the
beginning of this section.
2. Use the arrow keys to highlight the different fields and
enter the known variables in the TVM calculations,
pressing the soft-menu key after entering each
known value. Be sure that values are entered for at
least four of the five TVM variables (namely, N, I%YR,
PV, PMT, and FV).
3. If necessary, enter a different value for P/YR (default
value is 12, i.e., monthly payments).
4. Press the key to change the Payment mode (Beg
or End) as required.
5. Use the arrow keys to highlight the TVM variable you
wish to solve for and press the soft-monu key.
The periodic payment amount. The
payments are the same amount each
period and the TVM calculation assumes
that no payments are skipped. Payments
can occur at the beginning or the end of
each compounding period -- an option
you control by setting the Payment mode
to Beg or End.
The future value of the transaction: the
amount of the final cash flow or the
compounded value of the series of
previous cash flows. For a loan, this is the
size of the final balloon payment (beyond
any regular payment due). For an
investment this is the cash value of an
investment at the end of the investment