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expression for h = x - a, if the second argument in the function call is ‘x=a’,
i.e., an expression for the increment h. The list returned as the first output
object includes the following items:
1 - Bi-directional limit of the function at point of expansion, i.e.,
)(lim xf
2 - An equivalent value of the function near x = a
3 - Expression for the Taylor polynomial
4 - Order of the residual or remainder
Because of the relatively large amount of output, this function is easier to
handle in RPN mode. For example, the following screen shots show the RPN
stack before and after using function SERIES:
Drop the contents of stack level 1 by pressing ƒ, and then enter µ, to
decompose the list. The results are as follows:
In the right-hand side figure above, we are using the line editor to see the
series expansion in detail. To get this result use: ƒ˜.
Additional definitions and applications of calculus operations are presented in
Chapter 13 in the calculator’s user’s guide.