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These functions allow to simplify expressions by replacing some category of
trigonometric functions for another one. For example, the function ACOS2S
allows to replace the function arccosine (acos(x)) with its expression in terms
of arcsine (asin(x)).
Description of these commands and examples of their applications are
available in the calculator’s help facility (IL@HELP). The user is invited to
explore this facility to find information on the commands in the TRIG menu.
Functions in the ARITHMETIC menu
The ARITHMETIC menu is triggered through the keystroke combination
„Þ (associated with the 1 key). With system flag 117 set to
CHOOSE boxes, „Þ shows the following menu:
Out of this menu list, options 5 through 9 (DIVIS, FACTORS, LGCD,
PROPFRAC, SIMP2) correspond to common functions that apply to integer
numbers or to polynomials. The remaining options (1. INTEGER, 2.
POLYNOMIAL, 3. MODULO, and 4. PERMUTATION) are actually sub-
menus of functions that apply to specific mathematical objects. When
system flag 117 is set to SOFT menus, the ARITHMETIC menu („Þ)
Following, we present the help facility entries for functions FACTORS and
SIMP2 in the ARITHMETIC menu: