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RPN mode
(Use H\@@OK@@ to change to RPN mode). Use the following
keystrokes to store the value of –0.25 into variable α:
0.25\` ~‚a`. At this point, the screen
will look as follows:
This expression means that the value –0.25 is ready to be stored into
α. Press K to create the variable. The variable is now shown in
the soft menu key labels:
To enter the value 3×10
into A12, we can use a shorter version of
the procedure: 3V5³~a12` K
Here is a way to enter the contents of Q:
Q: ³~„r/„Ü
~„m+~„r™™ ³~q` K
To enter the value of R, we can use an even shorter version of the
R: „Ô3#2#1™ ³K
Notice that to separate the elements of a vector in RPN mode we can
use the space key (#), rather than the comma (‚í ) used
above in Algebraic mode.
z1: ³3+5*„¥ ³~„z1 K