Setting Parameters Default Comment
Key Repeat
2 cps; 6 cps; 10 cps; 15
cps; 20 cps; 30 cps
10 cps Select the rate at which
keys will be repeated when
they are held down longer
than the Key Delay period.
Selected, Not selected Not selected Start computer with NUM
LOCK enabled.
External Devices…
VGA Display
External VGA if attached,
LCD off;
Both external VGA and
VGA if
LCD off;
When ‘External VGA…’ is
selected, if an external
VGA monitor is detected, it
will be enabled and the
LCD will be turned off.
When ‘Both external
VGA…’ is selected, both
are ALWAYS on.
recognition of
external VGA
Selected; Not selected Not selected Available only when Both
external VGA and LCD is
Enable External
FN Key
Selected; Not selected Selected When enabled, CTRL +
ALT on external keyboard
acts as FN key.
Ignore External
Pointing Device
Selected; Not selected Not selected This will ignore any
external pointing device.
Audio Port…
Basic Audio…
Disable internal Selected; not selected. Not selected. Disabling internal sound
board removes any
possible conflict with a
sound board installed in
the dock.
Beeper volume: 0-7 4
Audio volume 0-7 4 Sets master volume, not
volume ceiling.
Advanced Audio… If Boot devices only is
Audio selected in Boot Devices
IRQ 5, 7, 9, 10 5 menu, then the Advanced
0, 1, 3 1 Audio menu will be
Address 220, 230, 240, 250 220 disabled.
Wave 2 Audio
IRQ 11 11 IRQ is fixed at 11
DMA 0, 5, 6 5
Video Stretched
Selected; not selected Not Selected Option available on F1360
only. Set video to
Stretched or Centered
mode (if hardware
Enabled IrDA IR
Selected; not selected Selected Allocate resources needed
to enable IrDA Infrared