Troubleshooting Tips
This section provides various troubleshooting tips for the OmniBook 800 and its accessories. As
with all troubleshooting, these tips should be combined with other techniques and tools to
effectively diagnose hardware issues.
OmniBook Components
The following table lists various symptoms of several OmniBook components. Troubleshooting
techniques are then listed for both Call Center and Repair Center Personnel.
Table 15 - OmniBook Troubleshooting Tips
Symptom Call Center Repair Center
Cursor moves on its own Is the link warped? (The link is
the flat piece of plastic
Mouse grommet (Service Note
800-08). Alternatively, inspect
Cursor floats in direction
different for mouse
connecting the mouse to the
computer) If so, send the
customer a new mouse.
for a burr on a contact inside
the hole the grommet fits in on
the logic board (carefully file
off the burr).
Cursor sticks to one side of
display after mouse has
moved in opposite direction
Otherwise, send in for repair. Sticking can be an open or
missing resistor on the logic
board. Replace logic assy.
Cursor won’t go to edge of
Press firmly with mouse when
reaching edge of screen. If
problem still occurs, send in for
Mouse grommet or paw active
assy; if cursor won’t move at
all, most probably a bad paw
active assy. Also could be an
open resistor on logic board.
Cursor jitters Send in for repair Paw active assy or warped link.
Mouse button press not
Does customer have access to
another OB with a mouse? If so,
swap mouse. If OB works now,
send a new mouse. If not, send
in for repair.
Mouse or paw active assembly
Stiff up/down motion Send in for repair Paw active assembly (Service
Note 800-10)
Fine positioning of cursor
Some vertical backlash on the
right side of the display is
normal. It requires slightly more
mouse movement on the right
side before the cursor moves.
Paw active assembly
Brightness does not adjust The adjustment steps are very
small and may not be very
noticeable. Also, TFT display
will not darken as much as a
CSTN, so customer’s previous
experiences with notebooks may
affect expectation.
Verify brightness adjusts
properly. If ineffective, replace
Garbage on display when
first turned on
Try a hard reset. If this doesn’t
help, send in for repair.
Replace logic PCA if problem
occurs on both internal and