Symptom Call Center Repair Center
comparing it to another OB800?
Is customer a heavy user?
Some or all keys not working Remove the 2 keyboard screws
and check keyboard flex cable
connections visually. If not
aligned properly in the
connector, send in for repair.
These connectors can be
damaged if the proper tool is not
used to disconnect the cables.
Check keyboard flex
connection. If OK, try another
keyboard. If still bad, replace
logic board.
Computer noisy but working
HDD “clunking or scratchy” Was the computer dropped?
Back the drive up immediately!
Replace HD. Check computer
case for evidence of customer
Buzzing or whining Back the drive up immediately!
Is the sound present when HD
not spinning? Is there a
PCMCIA hard drive in the slot
that is making the noise? Does
pressing a key cause the sound
to change? If yes, then this is
probably power supply noise.
Only if it is very objectionable
should computer be sent in for
Replace logic board.
Computer does not resume
• Being suspended
• A reset
• An alarm from an
Try using reset button. Check
BIOS version and install latest
(v1.02.00). Otherwise, send in
for repair.
Replace CPU board (see
Service Note 800-02A).
File corruption Run a virus scan program. Boot
to DOS and run CHKDSK to look
for lost clusters, cross-linked
chains. If present, run CHKDSK
/f to fix. Then run Scandisk
surface scan to test for damaged
HD platter. Use Recovery CD to
recover Omnibook files
corrupted. If computer still has
problems, return for repair.
Try steps at left. If keyboard
support plate of old design
(without notch), add I/O
insulator to plate above HD
connector (see Service Note
800-09). Check for latest BIOS
(v 1.02.00). Run a virus
Computer gets hot It is normal for computer to get
hot, especially when charging.
DOS applications (games?) and
poorly written Windows
applications can contribute. Run
System Monitor and look at CPU
activity. Suspend applications
that drive CPU usage toward
100%. PCMCIA modem cards
normally get very hot when in
Computer won’t time out Does the cursor jitter? If so, Does the cursor jitter? This will