8 ADF overview ENWW
reversal roller is released for a specified
period of time. The leading edge and the
trailing edge of the original brush against
each other at the original exit reversal roller.
The next original is pre-fed if there is one.
The original is conveyed to the original
reversal exit when the back side is scanned.
The original exit gate returns to the original
The original is now reversed again, and the
reading of the front side of the original is
conveyed to the read section by the reversal
roller and the original exit reversal roller in
the same manner as scanning the back side
of the original starts.
The original that has been scanned passes
under the original exit gate, and is ejected to
the original exit section by the original exit
roller. The next original is conveyed to the
reversal section if there is one.
Mixed original copy mode
The mixed original copy mode supports both
the same series original and different series
originals, and the size of the original is
determined by the ON interval of the original
registration PS/1 (PS304). In single-side
original copy mode (with out AMS) and
double-side original copy mode, the
conveyance path of original is same as
normal conveyance path. In single-side
original copy mode (with AMS), the
conveyance path of original is same as that
in double-side original copy mode.
For details on size detection, refer to the
section Original size detection control.
Z-fold original copy mode
In the Z-fold original copy mode, the length
of the original is determined by the ON
interval of the original registration PS/1
The length is detected for the first sheet of
original. The conveyance path of the original
is the same as the single-side original copy
mode and the double-side original copy
Next original
Original exit reversal
Original exit gate
Conveyance roller
Original conveyance PS
Next original
Original exit gate
Original exit reversal
Reversal roller
Original exit
reversal roller
Original exit roller
Conveyance roller
Reverse gate
Registration roller
Next original