Monitoring Products
101Embedded Web Server User Guide
Information displayed for each node includes:
■ Port — Port number.
■ World Wide Name — The 16-digit WWN assigned to the attached node.
■ Class of Service (COS) — Class 2 and/or Class 3 service.
■ BB_Credit — Buffer-to-buffer credit the attached node has available.
■ Data Field Size — Largest Fibre Channel frame the node can process.
■ FC Address — Fibre Channel address, which is shown only if there is a
single attached device on the loop. Otherwise, all Fibre Channel address
information is displayed on the port-specific page.
For the Edge Switch 2/24, this value is also displayed:
■ Devices on Loop — Number (device count) of public and private
loop-attached devices. This field entry contains a hyperlink to a screen that
shows a list of devices on a loop for the port. This tab view shows the FC
Address, WWN, COS, and Data Field Size for each device in the loop.