Viewing Product and Fabric Data
89Embedded Web Server User Guide
3. The Topology page provides the information shown in Table 8.
Table 8: Components of the Topology Page
Part of Page Component Description
Host Information Topology From Identifies the host product that is providing
the fabric topology information. All
information on the page is provided from
the point of view of the host machine.
Domain ID Domain ID of the host product.
Domains in
The total number of domains in the fabric.
List of Domains in
Domain ID Domain IDs of each device in the fabric.
(The ID number that is followed by an
asterisk is the ID for the host product.)
WWN WWN of the device that corresponds to the
Domain ID next to the WWN.
Domain ID
The Domain ID of the destination device.
The destination device is described from the
point of view of the host product.
WWN WWN of the destination device.
Number of Paths
to Destination
Total paths that can be used by the host
product to communicate with the
destination device.
List of Paths A list of each path used by the host product
to communicate with the destination device.
The details include the Exit Port used for the
path and the number of hops needed to
reach the destination fabric device.