Monitoring Products
92 Embedded Web Server User Guide
■ Block Configuration — Indicates the blocked or unblocked configuration of
the port:
— Blocked — Devices communicating with the port are prevented from
logging into the product or communicating with other devices attached to
product ports.
— Unblocked — Devices communicating with the port can log in to the
product and communicate with devices attached to any other unblocked
port in the same zone.
■ State — See “Port Operational States” in the next section for an explanation
of the states.
■ Type — The type of port. The valid options vary by product.
Figure 30: Port List tab view
Port Operational States
The State column of the Port List tab view displays one of the following
operational states:
■ Beaconing — The port is beaconing, which means that the beaconing light
is flashing on the physical hardware. (A port in a failed state cannot beacon.)
■ Inactive — The switch port is in an inactive state. Reasons for this state
display in the Reason field of the Port Properties page. (See “Viewing Port
Properties” on page 75 for more information.)