44 Chapter3
HP Easytime/XL Tasks
Files store the information with which you work. Reports, spreadsheets,
letters, and application programs are all files. If you use the MPE/iX
editor to create a document, this document is a file.
You can use the File Management screen to manage the files on your
system. If you cannot perform a task with a particular file, it may be
secured. Ask the creator of the file to release it, or see your system
administrator for assistance.
The menus at the top of the File Management screen contain all of the
tasks necessary for managing the files including the following:
• Printing
• Copying
• Deleting
• Renaming
• Moving
• Reading
• Releasing and Securing
• Displaying a set of files
• Sorting
Accessing File Management
1. Move the cursor to File Management on the Main menu.
2. Press either
F3, Return key, or Spacebar.
The File Management screen provides the following information about
files on the system:
• File Name
• Group
• Account
• File Code (ASCII or application type)
• Status (Secured or Released)
• Size (in kilobytes)
Figure 3-2 illustrates the File Management screen.