
58 Chapter3
HP Easytime/XL Tasks
Print Files
Changing Printers
To route your print files to another printer use this task:
1. Select one or more print files from the Print File Management
2. Press
F2 A to open the Actions menu.
3. Press
P for Change Printer.
A dialog box displays a list of available printers.
4. Select a printer from the list
5. Press
F5 OK to change the printer.
Interrupt (Stop) Printing
You can stop (interrupt) a file that is printing, and start printing again
from the beginning. Use this task to recover after a paper jam.
1. Select the print file that is currently printing.
2. Print F2 A to open the Actions menu.
3. Press
E for Reprint.
Loading Forms
Some print files need to be printed on a form or special kind of paper.
When a form is needed, the status line on your screen displays the
message: LOAD FORM. You must respond to the request before printing
on this printer can continue.
1. Select a print file with the status Load Form.
2. Press
F2 A to open the Actions menu.
3. Press
L for Load Form.
A dialog box displays information about the kind of form required.
4. Load the correct form in the printer.
Or, choose Put on Hold from the dialog box. In this particular case,
you cannot use the Actions menu to put the form on hold.
5. Press
F5 OK when the form is loaded and you want to start printing.
Aligning Form
Some print files that require a form also require that you align the form
before printing. This is to ensure that all alignments are set before
running a large quantity.
When alignment of a form is needed the status line on the screen
displays the message: ALIGN FORM. You must respond to this request
before printing on this printer can continue.