48 Chapter3
HP Easytime/XL Tasks
See “HP Easytime/XL Options” if you need more information.
5. Press
F6 Save to save the store options permanently.
Or, press
F5 OK to save the store options for this session only.
Restoring Files
To restore one or more files that have been stored:
1. Prepare storage media and device.
Refer to the reference information that was received with the drive.
2. Load the drive.
3. Press
F2 A to open the Actions menu.
4. Press
T for Restore.
A dialog box prompts you for the names of the files you want to
5. Enter one file name, group, and account.
Or, specify a set of files using wildcard characters.
6. Press
F6 Add to List.
If a file was added to the list by mistake, select it and press
Delete from List.
Steps 5 and 6 can be repeated to add as many files to the list as
7. When the files to be restored list is completed, press
F5 OK to
A dialog box may prompt you for more information.
Supply any requested information and press
F5 OK to continue.
During the restore process, HP Easytime/XL displays a monitoring
screen where you can check the progress of the task. Do this by
F5 Update Display periodically. During the restore
process, the terminal cannot be used for anything else.
When the restore is finished, the following message is displayed:
Restore finished successfully. See report ETRSTLST.
8. Press
F8 Close to close the monitoring screen.
Stopping Restore Process
1. Press
F7 Stop.
2. Press
F5 Yes to confirm.