3-90 Troubleshooting Analysis Guide (TAGs)
TAG 098: -12 Vdc Power Shorted
Error Code: 098
Possible Defects: Connectors or wiring
DC power supply unit
PCL board
IGS board
Signal interface board
External attachment option
Turn the printer off and unplug the power cord.
• Verify that J/P8, J/P32, J/P33, J/P73, and J/P74 are connected properly.
• Power-on-reset the printer.
Has the problem been resolved?
No: Continue.
Yes: Loose connectors were at fault. Turn to TAG 002: Check & Problem Resolution.
Check J/P32-3 for -12 Vdc.
Is the voltage -12 Vdc?
No: Continue.
Yes: Replace PCL board, then turn to TAG 002: Check & Problem Resolution.
Turn the printer off.
• Disconnect J/P32.
• Turn the printer on.
• Check J/P8-8 for -12 Vdc.
Is the voltage -12 Vdc?
No: Continue.
Yes: Go to #5 in this TAG.
Turn the printer off.
• Disconnect J/P8.
• Check P8-8 to P32-3 for continuity to ground.
Is there continuity?
No: Replace the DC power supply, then turn to TAG 002: Check & Problem Resolution.
Yes: Repair or replace the connectors or wiring from P8-8 to P32-3.