Printer and Troubleshooting Overview 1-17
Protocol Converters
Many protocol converters have a self-test function or configuration mode that enables the
user to check the proper functioning of the control. You can reconnect the host interface
and ask the customer to exercise this function of the converter. If the printer receives data
and prints it (even if the output is garbled) you have isolated the problem as one that
belongs to the host or the protocol converter. The problem is not a printer problem and the
customer must seek assistance elsewhere in resolving the problem.
Reading the Error Log
One of the sheets printed prior to the test pattern is the formatted error log maintained by
the printer in a file named ERROR.LOG.
• The first line of the formatted log lists paper jams. A 3-digit error code (or codes) is
followed by a 4-digit number indicating how many times the error has occurred since
the error log was last cleared. (See “Clearing the Error Log” on page 1-24.)
• The second line lists the last 15 errors.
• The last line indicates the last error that required a power-on-reset (POR).
Figure 1-3. Sample Simplex Printer Error Log
020 0001 021 0000 022 0001
023 020 020 022 022 022 022 071 042 000 000 000 000 000 000
Paper Jams
Last 15 errors
Last error requiring POR (not used)