Printer and Troubleshooting Overview 1-19
Using the Troubleshooting Analysis Guide (TAG)
The Troubleshooting Analysis Guide provides problem-solving sequences to help you
identify and resolve printer problems. Each TAG addresses a particular symptom or error
code of the printer. The TAG number often matches an error code displayed on the
printer’s operator panel.
Sample TAG
TAG 001: Troubleshooting a Problem
Error Code: All related error messages are listed here.
Possible Causes: All possible causes are listed here.
Possible Defects: All possible defective parts are listed here. (In no particular order.)
To start:
• Disconnect all peripheral cables
• Power-on-reset the printer.
Did all of the status lights come on, followed by 888 flashing briefly and an error code?
Yes: Run test prints, following the procedure outlined in Section 1, then repeat this step. If the
answer is still no, refer to the mechanical malfunctions cross-reference chart in Section 2
to determine which TAG to follow. Then turn to that TAG.
Yes: Note the error message and continue.
Power-on-reset the printer.
Did the power-on-reset end with an error code?
Yes: Refer to the error code cross-reference table in Section 2, using either the code that dis-
played after steps 1 and 2, or if multiple error codes continue to appear, the first error
code that displays. Turn to the TAG associated with the code.
Did only the READY light come on with no numeric display?
No: Continue
Yes: Go to TAG 753
Each TAG walks through a comprehensive procedure specific to a single problem. As you
progress through a TAG and eliminate possible causes, you may be directed to another
step out of sequence in the same TAG or to another TAG altogether.
The TAG number and its title may be followed by a listing of possible error messages,
possible causes, or possible defective parts related to the TAG.