114 Administering disks
Removing and replacing disks
The following devices are available as replacements:
You can choose one of these disks now, to replace mydg02.
Select “none” if you do not wish to select a replacement disk.
Choose a device, or select “none”
[<device>,none,q,?] (default: c0t1d0)
Note: Do not choose the old disk drive as a replacement even though it
appears in the selection list. If necessary, you can choose to initialize a new
If you enter none because you intend to replace the physical disk, see the
section “Replacing a failed or removed disk” on page 115.
5 If you chose to replace the disk in step 4, press Return at the following
prompt to confirm this:
VxVM NOTICE V-5-2-285 Requested operation is to remove mydg02
from group mydg. The removed disk will be replaced with disk
device c0t1d0.
Continue with operation? [y,n,q,?] (default: y)
vxdiskadm displays the following messages to indicate that the original
disk is being removed:
VxVM NOTICE V-5-2-265 Removal of disk mydg02 completed
VxVM NOTICE V-5-2-260 Proceeding to replace mydg02 with device
6 You can now choose whether the disk is to be formatted as a CDS disk that is
portable between different operating systems, or as a non-portable
hpdisk-format disk:
Enter the desired format [cdsdisk,hpdisk,q,?]
(default: cdsdisk)
Enter the format that is appropriate for your needs. In most cases, this is
the default format, cdsdisk.
7 At the following prompt, vxdiskadm asks if you want to use the default
private region size of 32768 blocks (32 MB). Press Return to confirm that you
want to use the default value, or enter a different value. (The maximum
value that you can specify is 524288 blocks.)
Enter desired private region length [<privlen>,q,?]
(default: 32768)
8 If one of more mirror plexes were moved from the disk, you are now
prompted whether FastResync should be used to resynchronize the plexes:
Use FMR for plex resync? [y,n,q,?] (default: n) y
vxdiskadm displays the following success message: