An area of a disk under VxVM control that is not allocated to any subdisk or reserved for
use by any other VxVM object.
free subdisk
A subdisk that is not associated with any plex and has an empty putil[0] field.
A string that identifies a host to VxVM. The hostid for a host is stored in its volboot file, and
is used in defining ownership of disks and disk groups.
A technique of automatically restoring redundancy and access to mirrored and RAID-5
volumes when a disk fails. This is done by relocating the affected subdisks to disks
designated as spares and/or free space in the same disk group.
Refers to devices that can be removed from, or inserted into, a system without first turning
off the power supply to the system.
initiating node
The node on which the system administrator is running a utility that requests a change to
VxVM objects. This node initiates a volume reconfiguration.
The common name for an unintelligent disk array which may, or may not, support the hot-
swapping of disks. The name is derived from “just a bunch of disks.”
log plex
A plex used to store a RAID-5 log. The term log plex may also be used to refer to a Dirty
Region Logging plex.
log subdisk
A subdisk that is used to store a dirty region log.
master node
A node that is designated by the software to coordinate certain VxVM operations in a
cluster. Any node is capable of being the master node.
mastering node
The node to which a disk is attached. This is also known as a disk owner.
A duplicate copy of a volume and the data therein (in the form of an ordered collection of
subdisks). Each mirror consists of one plex of the volume with which the mirror is
A layout technique that mirrors the contents of a volume onto multiple plexes. Each plex
duplicates the data stored on the volume, but the plexes themselves may have different