540 Index
initialization of disks 90
instant snapshots
backing up multiple volumes 333
cascaded 312
creating backups 319
creating for volume sets 334
creating full-sized 327
creating space-optimized 324
creating volumes for use as full-sized 323
displaying information about 342
dissociating 340
full-sized 307
improving performance of
synchronization 345
reattaching 338
refreshing 337
removing 341
removing support for 279
restoring volumes using 340
space-optimized 309
splitting hierarchies 341
synchronizing 344
Intelligent Storage Provisioning (ISP) 32
intent logging 304
INVALID volume state 266
ioctl calls 480, 481
IOFAIL plex condition 228
IOFAIL plex state 226
ISP volumes 32
adding disks to DISKS category 87
listing supported disks 87
removing disks from DISKS category 89
kernel states
for plexes 229
volumes 266
layered volumes
converting to non-layered 300
defined 51, 237
striped-mirror 43
layout attributes
changing for disks 97
changing default used by vxassist 243
left-symmetric 48
specifying default 243
types of volume 236
leave failure policy 407
left-symmetric layout 48
len subdisk attribute 222
LIF area 102
LIF LABEL record 102
link objects 311
linked break-off snapshots 311
creating 331
linked third-mirror snapshots
reattaching 339
load balancing 126
across nodes in a cluster 398
displaying policy for 147
specifying policy for 147
specifying policy for 147
local detach policy 406
lock clearing on disks 186
LOG plex state 226
log subdisks 515
associating with plexes 220
DRL 61
logdisk 251, 256, 257
logical units 125
loglen attribute 253
adding DRL log 281
adding for RAID-5 283
adding sequential DRL logs 281
adding to volumes 274
checking for disabled 452
checking for multiple RAID-5 logs on same
disk 449
RAID-5 50, 59
removing DRL log 282
removing for RAID-5 284
removing sequential DRL logs 282
resizing using vxvol 288
specifying number for RAID-5 256
usage with volumes 237
logtype attribute 253
LUN 125
LUN expansion 108