
Version 1.2 Page 19 4/22/04
Default Configuration
DC: Default Configuration—reset all MP parameters to the default configuration.
This command sets all MP parameters back to their default values. The user may reset all or a subset of the
following parameters:
IP configurations
o Modem configuration
o Paging configuration
o Command Interface configuration
o Disable remote access, security configuration
o Session configuration. For example: setting the security configuration to default erases all users
and passwords.
There are three ways to reset passwords in the MP:
1. In the so command, change individual users.
2. In the DC command choose “Reset Security Configuration”.
3. Pressing the reset button on the back panel of your HP Server can reset forgotten passwords. After
the MP reboots, the local console terminal displays a message for five seconds. Responding to this
message in time allows a local user to reset the passwords.
Notice that all user information (logins, passwords, and so on) is erased in methods 2 and 3.
Display FRUID
DF: Display FRUID information
This command displays FRUID information from the BMC for FRU devices. Information provided
includes serial number, part number, model designation, name and version number, and manufacturer.
Disconnect Remote or LAN Console
DI: Disconnect remote/modem or LAN/WEB console
This command disconnects (hangs up) the remote/modem or LAN/WEB users from MP. It does not disable
the ports. The remote console is no longer mirrored.
Front Panel Process
FP: Turn off front panel fault or attention LEDs.
This command allows the user to control the state of front panel fault and attention LEDs, individually or