From one of the clients, open a command prompt and type:
ping computername
where computername is the server name you entered during Windows 2000
installation. You should get four replies from your new server. If there is a link
problem it must be fixed before going any further.
You may test the link further by doing a ping between two clients: at the same
command prompt, type:
ping other_client_IPaddress
You should get four replies from the second client.
6. Copy files back and forth from the clients to the server.
Testing the connection using Terminal Services
1. Click Start | Programs | Terminal Services Client | Terminal Services Client
on a client you installed Terminal Services on.
2. Select the target server from the "Available Servers" list provided on the
3. Click the Connect button.
4. Complete the "UserID, Password" login form.
Phase 3 – Domain Controller Setup
The Windows 2000 reference guide calls this process "Promoting the server to a
domain controller.”
1. Click Start | Programs | Administrative Tools | Configure Your Server to
open the "Windows 2000 Configure Your Server" window.
2. Select "Active Directory.”
3. Scroll down and click "Start the Active Directory wizard.”
4. Click Next to continue.
Writer: Jimmy Chan File Name: 312977-006.doc
Codename: Condor II Part Number: 312977-006 Last Saved On: 9/10/03 10:05 AM