
The LDEV Mapping (Auto) dialog box consists of:
SLPR Limited
To restrict the CU in the CU list to the CU which belongs to the SLPR, select the Limited. To
display all the CU in the CU list without any restriction, select the Unlimited. By default, the
Limited is selected.
LDKC list
Select the LDKC number of the local storage system to which you want to map the external
CU list
Select the CU number of the local storage system to which you want to map the external
volume. When you select Limited in the SLPR Limited, the selection range is limited to CU
which belongs to the SLPR.
Interval list
Select the interval of the LDKC:CU:LDEV number for mapping each volume. The LDEV number
is set to each LDEV with the interval that you specified in this list.
LDEV map allows you to allocate the LDEV number to each LDEV by clicking cells in a table.
Each cell in the LDEV map represents an internal volume. In the LDEV map, the horizontal
scale indicates tens place digit of the LDEV number, and the vertical scale indicates ones place
digit of the LDEV number. Select a cell for the internal volume on the LDEV map, the selected
cell turns to blue, and the LDEV number which the cell indicates is defined to the LDEV. The
defined internal volume is grayed out, and undefined internal volumes to be mapped appear
in white.
OK button
Saves the settings and closes the dialog box.
Cancel button
Cancels the settings and closes the dialog box.
LDEV Mapping (Manual) Dialog Box
Use the LDEV Mapping (Manual) dialog box to specify the LDEV number for all the LDEVs in the
external volume.
74 Performing XP External Storage Operations