Select pen width and color %%IncludeFeature:pen
Select plotter %%IncludeFeature:plotter
Shift the origin %%IncludeFeature:origin
Reverse image %%IncludeFeature:reverse
Enable scalable fonts %%IncludeFeature:scalablefonts*
Establish the current resource %%IncludeFeature:install*and default
object ID value
Remove an external object %%IncludeFeature:remove*
Reset to PCL defaults %%IncludeFeature:reset
Retain temporary macros/fonts %%IncludeFeature:retaintemporary
Select default font %%IncludeFeature:font*
Select default font ID %%IncludeFeature:fontid*
Select monochrome %%IncludeFeature:monochromegl
Select symbol set %%IncludeFeature:symbolset*
Set carriage return to CR+LF %%IncludeFeature:criscrlf*
Set linefeed to CR+LF %%IncludeFeature:lfiscrlf*
Set number of lines per inch %%IncludeFeature:linesperinch*
Set number of lines per page %%IncludeFeature:linesperpage*
Set point size %%IncludeFeature:pointsize*
Store fonts to disk %%IncludeFeature:resource*
* Indicates a DOC about which updated information is provided
in the following section, “Updated DOCs.”
Number lines %%IncludeFeature:number
Retain temporary macros/fonts %%IncludeFeature:retaintemporary
Select font for current job %%IncludeFeature:font
Set carriage return to CR+LF %%IncludeFeature:criscrlf
Set formfeed to CR+LF %%IncludeFeature:ffiscrlf
Set point size for current job %%IncludeFeature:pointsize
Set linefeed to CR+LF %%IncludeFeature:lfiscrlf
Set margins %%IncludeFeature:lpmargins
Set number of lines per page %%IncludeFeature:linesperpage