Fifteen configuration choices are available.
Identifies the HP-GL plotter type.
Identifies the percentage to reduce or enlarge an image.
Sets the image offset from the plotter’s origin in 0.01" increments.
Menu Administration/Emulations/HPGL/Plotter
Choices 7550A, 7475A, 7470A, Colorpro
Default 7550A
Menu Administration/Emulations/HPGL/Scaling Percent
Choices 001-150 (1-150%)
Default 100 (100%)
Notes To scale plots, select the paper size originally used for the plot
in the Paper Type menu, and then enter the reduction or
enlargement needed to fit the plot on the new page in the
Scaling Percent menu. If necessary, enter new x,y
coordinates in the Origin menu to reposition the plot on the
Menu Administration/Emulations/HPGL/Origin/X Direction
Choices 00000-08500 (0"-8.5")
Default 00000
Menu Administration/Emulations/HPGL/Origin/Y Direction
Choices 00000-11000 (0"-11.0")
Default 00000