9 How many downloadable fonts will you be using? What sizes?
From which emulation?
10 Will you use many different sizes of fonts/typefaces?
11 How large are the files you typically print? How large is the larg-
est file you’ll be printing?
12 Are most of your files text, or are any graphics intensive?
13 Will you want to download fonts, forms, or operators to memory?
14 Will you be collating documents? If so, how large and complex
will these documents be?
15 What media sizes will you be using?
16 Will you be printing at 300x300 dpi or 600x600 dpi?
After you have answered all of these questions, read the following
sections to find out which memory clients control features you plan to
use and which memory clients control features you don’t need.
Additional memory is required for duplexing at 600 dpi resolution on
legal-size media. The following chart represents the minimum amount
of memory needed to print various paper sizes at 300 or 600 dpi res-
olution. In most cases, the minimum amount of memory does not
allow the printer to run at rated speed. The amounts shown assume
the Page Recovery function (Administration/Engine/Page Recovery)
is turned on.
300 dpi 600 dpi
Paper Size Simplex Duplex Simplex Duplex
Letter 8MB 8MB 8MB 12MB
Legal 8MB 8MB 12MB 16MB
A4 8MB 8MB 8MB 12MB
Executive 8MB 8MB 8MB 12MB