DB2 Storage Objects 23
3.8.1 Table Space and Index Space Names
The names for DB2 table spaces and index spaces have the following structure:
Table 3. Table Space and Index Space Names
The elements of this name are:
hlq VSAM catalog high level qualifier
DSNDB Standard part of the name
x Identifies a VSAM cluster or data component
C Cluster
D Data
dbname Database name
spname Space name. Either a table space name or an index name. Because
index names can be more than 8 characters long, DB2 sometimes
needs to generate an 8 character name. To avoid randomly generated
names, and to be able to correlate the index name to the index space,
it is recommended to limit index names to 8 characters. This is also
true for table names for implicitly defined table spaces (that is, the
creation of the table is done without having created the table space),
since DB2 will assign a unique table space name.
y Data set type:
I Standard data set
S Shadow data set
T Temporary data set
nnnn number = 0001
A Standard character, A
mmm Used for table spaces or index spaces with multiple data sets; mmm is
either 001, the data set number, or the partition number.
3.8.2 BSDS Names
The default names for BSDSs have the following structure:
Table 4. BSDS Names
hlq VSAM catalog high level qualifier
BSDS0 Standard part of the name
n BSDS copy, 1 or 2
3.8.3 Active Log Names
The default names for active log data sets have the following structure:
Table 5. Active Log Data Set Names
hlq VSAM catalog high level qualifier