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Chapter 7. Managing DB2 Recovery Data Sets with SMS
Some DB2 data sets are standard sequential files or partitioned data sets. Many
installations already manage these data sets with SMS and have already SMS
classes defined for these data sets. Therefore, this chapter only analyzes DB2
recovery related data sets.
This chapter describes attributes for SMS management of the DB2 recovery data
sets and provides example SMS constructs for these data sets. DB2 recovery
data sets are described in 3.6, “DB2 Recovery Data Sets” on page 17. This
chapter includes examples of SMS Data, Storage and Management Classes for
the following data sets:
• Bootstrap data sets (BSDS)
• Active log data sets
• Archive log data sets
• Image copy data sets
7.1 SMS Examples for DB2 Recovery Data Sets
The examples shown in this section do not demonstrate all the possibilities that
SMS offers; neither can they consider all the different requirements specific to
each DB2 installation. Each installation is advised to review these examples and
create those classes that best suit its requirements. The examples shown here
are extracted and adapted from DFSMS/MVS Implementing System-Managed
Storage, SC26-3123.
7.1.1 SMS Data Class
DB2 recovery data sets have different attributes. Data Classes can optionally be
defined for these data sets.
7.1.2 SMS Storage Class
DB2 administrators may require several Storage Classes for DB2 recovery data
sets. These Storage Classes have high availability requirements. Performance
requirements may be less severe, with the exception of the active log data sets
which have very high performance requirements. Table 19 on page 64 shows four
examples of Storage Classes for the DB2 recovery data sets. These are:
SCDBIC This Storage Class is intended for image copy data sets. It
provides good performance and good availability.
SCDBICH This Storage Class is intended for image copy data sets with
a high availability and high performance requirement.
SCDBARCH This Storage Class is intended for archive log data sets. It
provides good performance and high availability.
SCDBACTL This Storage Class is intended for the BSDS and active log
data sets. These data sets are allocated once and rarely
redefined. Strict placement is important in order to obtain high
availability and high performance. SCDBACTL uses
guaranteed space to allocate the data sets on specific
volumes within the assigned Storage Group.