24 Storage Management with DB2 for OS/390
LOGCOPY Standard part of the name
n Activelogcopy,1or2
mm Active log number, 01 to 31
3.8.4 Archive Log and BSDS Backup Names
The default names for archive log and BSDS backup data sets have the following
optional structure:
Table 6. Archive Log and BSDS Backup Names
hlq VSAM catalog high level qualifier
ARCHLOG Standard part of the name
n Archive log copy, 1 or 2
Dyyddd Date, yy=year (2 or 4 digits), ddd=day of year
Thhmmsst Time, hh=hour, mm=minute, ss=seconds, t=tenths
a A=Archive log, B=BSDS backup
xxxxxx File sequence
Dyyddd and Thhmmsst are optional qualifiers defined in DSNZPARM in the
TIMESTAMP ARCHIVES option (YES or NO) of the DSNTIPH panel,
and Dyyddd can assume the format Dyyyyddd if the TIMESTAMP
ARCHIVES option is set to EXT (extended).
3.8.5 Image Copy Names
The names for image copy data sets are not defined by DB2. Each installation
needs to define a standard naming convention to make these data sets distinct
and significant. Table 7 on page 24 shows a sample naming structure for image
Table 7. Sample Image Copy Names
hlq VSAM catalog high level qualifier
w Copy type, P=Primary, S=Secondary copy
x Copy requirement, S=Standard, H=Critical
i Copy frequency, D=Daily, W=Weekly, M=Monthly
yyddd Date, yy=year, ddd=day of year
Thhmmsst Time, hh=hour, mm=minute, ss=seconds
ssssss table space or index space name
Ammm Data set identifier