
C i ifeq 19
C BufOut cat EnvMDResp:0 BufOut
* For V4R2, the newline after 254 characters is not needed.
C* BufOut cat linefeed:0 BufOut
C endif
* Add the Environment variable header line for SERVER_SOFTWARE.
C i ifeq 20
C BufOut cat html(i):0 BufOut
C BufOut cat break:0 BufOut
* For V4R2, the newline after 254 characters is not needed.
C* BufOut cat linefeed:0 BufOut
C endif
* Display the Environment variable SERVER_SOFTWARE.
C i ifeq 21
C BufOut cat EnvSSResp:0 BufOut
* For V4R2, the newline after 254 characters is not needed.
C* BufOut cat linefeed:0 BufOut
C endif
* Write out closing HTML lines.
C i ifgt 21
C BufOut cat html(i):0 BufOut
* For V4R2, the newline after 254 characters is not needed.
C* BufOut cat linefeed:0 BufOut
C endif
C enddo
**** Get length of data to be sent to standard output.
C z-add 1 i
C arrsize mult 80 i
C a doune ' '
C 1 subst bufout:i a 1
C sub 1 i
C enddo
C i add 1 BufOutLn
**** Send BufOut to standard output.
C callb APIStdOut
C parm BufOut
C parm BufOutLn
C parm QUSEC
* Return to caller
C return
* Function: Convert a character to numeric value. *
* nomain c2n subprocedure
Pc2n B export
Dc2n PI 30p 9
Dc 32 options(*varsize)
* variables
Dn s 30p 9
Dwknum s 30p 0
Dsign s 1 0 inz(1)
Ddecpos s 3 0 inz(0)
Dindecimal s 1 inz('0')
Di s 3 0
Dj s 3 0
Dalpha1 1
Dnumber1 1 0 overlay(alpha1) inz(0)
C eval c = %triml(c)
C ' ' checkr c j
C1 do j i
104 Web Programming Guide V4R5