Required Parameter Group:
1 Command string Input Char(*)
2 Output format Input Char(8)
3 Target Buffer Output Char(*)
4 Length of Target Buffer Input Binary(4)
5 Length of response Output Binary(4)
6 Error Code I/O CHAR(*)
Required parameter group
Command string
The command string is a null ended string for flags and modifiers. At least one
space must separate each flag. There is a one-character equivalent for each flag.
The following flags are supported:
-a[gain] continuation-handle
The continuation-handle is the value returned to the caller in the target buffer
when only partial information is returned. This flag is not valid on the first call
to this API. It is used to retrieve the next set of information that would have
been returned on a previous call if there had been enough space in the target
buffer. All other flags must be the same as the previous call. Incomplete or
inaccurate information may result if all other flags are not the same.
Note: This flag can only be used for the CGII0200 format.
Parses QUERY-STRING for keywords. Keywords are decoded and written to
the target buffer, one per line.
Parses QUERY_STRING as form request. The field names will be set as
environment variables with the prefix FORM_. Field values are the contents of
the variables.
-v[alue] field-name
Parses QUERY_STRING as form request. Returns only the value of field-name
in the target buffer.
Reads CONTENT_LENGTH characters from standard input and writes them to
the target buffer.
If QUERY_STRING is not set, reads the value of standard input and returns a
string that can be used to set QUERY_STRING.
-s[ep] separator
Specifies the string that is used to separate multiple values. If you are using
the -value flag, the default separation is newline. If you are using the -form
flag, the default separator is a comma (,).
Chapter 2. Application Programming Interfaces 33