Note: The operating system configuration determines the full and abbreviated
month names and years.
Use the echo directive to display the value for specified environment variables
using the var tag. If a variable is not found, a (None) is displayed. In addition to
the standard Common Gateway Interface (CGI) variables, you can also display the
following environment variables:
The current date and time in Greenwich Mean Time. The config timefmt
directive defines the formatting of this variable.
The current date and local time. The formatting of this variable is defined
using the config timefmt directive.
This is the name of the topmost document. If the HTML was generated by
CGI, this contains the name of the CGI.
The full URL the client entered, without the query string.
The current data and time that the current document was last changed.
The config timefmt directive defines the formatting of this variable.
The search query sent by the client. This is undefined unless the HTML
was generated by a CGI program.
The path of the current file relative to SSI_ROOT. If the current file is in
SSI_ROOT, this value is ″/″.
The file name of the current file.
The value used in the include command that retrieved this file. This is not
defined for the topmost file.
The path and file name of the includer, relative to SSI_ROOT.
The path of the topmost file. All include requests must be in this directory
or a child of this directory.
<!--#echo var=SSI_DIR -->
Note: You can use echo to display a value set by the set or global
You can use the exec directive to include the output of a CGI program. The Exec
directive discards any HTTP headers CGI outputs except for:
determines whether to parse the body of the output for other Includes.
determines if EBCDIC to ASCII translation must be performed.
Chapter 9. Using Server-Side Includes 135