CMUG00103E Enter unique WWPNs for ports VALUE_0.
Host ports must have unique worldwide port names (WWPNs). The same WWPN is
entered more than once.
Enter unique WWPNs for each port, and then resubmit the task.
CMUG00104E Unable to attach host port PORT. WWPNs WWPN_IDs are
being used by another host port on storage image IMAGE.
Host ports must have unique worldwide port names (WWPNs). The specified
WWPN is being used by another host port on the storage image.
Select unique WWPNs for the port, and then resubmit the task.
CMUG00105W These ranks will be deleted from the selected extent
pool: VALUE_0. Select Continue to delete the ranks that are listed.
Select Cancel to cancel the operation.
You are being asked to confirm that you want to delete the ranks.
Select Continue to delete the ranks that are listed in the message. Select Cancel
to cancel the operation.
CMUG00106E The specified storage complex is incompatible with
this DS Storage Manager software.
If you are using the DS8000 Storage Manager, you cannot connect to a DS6000
storage complex. If you are using the DS6000 Storage Manager, you cannot
connect to a DS8000 storage complex.
Specify the IP address of a compatible storage complex, and then resubmit the
90 IBM TotalStorage DS8000: Messages Reference