CMUN02431E SOURCE Invalid configuration: A volume group cannot
contain unconfigured logical volumes.
A volume group cannot contain an unconfigured volume. One or more of the
specified volumes is not in the configured state.
Specify only configured volumes, and then resubmit the task.
CMUN02432E SOURCE Invalid configuration: volume group and volume
type mismatch
A FICON ESCON mixed volume group can contain only logical volumes of the
following types:
v count-key-data base
v count-key-data alias
v count-key-data map
v 512-byte fixed-block
Specify logical volumes of the correct type, and then resubmit the task.
CMUN02433E SOURCE Invalid configuration: 512-byte fixed-block
volumes must share data.
In a FICON ESCON mixed volume group all logical volumes of type 512-byte
fixed-block must have data sharing allowed set to true.
Ensure that all 512-byte fixed-block volumes permit data sharing, and then resubmit
the task.
CMUN02434E SOURCE Invalid configuration: volume group and volume
type mismatch
A FICON ESCON (not mixed) volume group can contain only logical volumes of the
following types: count-key-data base or count-key-data alias.
Specify only count-key-data base or count-key-data alias volumes, and then
resubmit the task.
266 IBM TotalStorage DS8000: Messages Reference