1. Ensure that all the files in directory %MR1750_SM_HOME%\send2IBM are valid
and can be transferred by FTP.
2. Ensure that network connectivity and firewall access is available.
3. Attempt to resend the data again.
4. If the problem persists, contact IBM technical support for assistance.
CMUN06018E SOURCE Unable to activate code load: incompatible
hardware and code versions
Code load cannot be activated on the storage unit. The hardware on the storage
unit is not compatible with the code bundle that you are attempting to load.
Ensure that the engineering change level of the storage unit and the code bundle
version level are compatible, and then try again. If the hardware and code versions
should be compatible, contact IBM technical support for assistance.
CMUN06019E SOURCE Unable to activate code load: incompatible
software version in package bundle
Code load cannot be activated on the storage unit. The bundle version and the
current storage unit software version are incompatible for concurrent code load.
Either perform a non concurrent code load or choose a bundle level that is
compatible with the microcode version that is currently running on the storage unit.
If you still cannot activate the code load, contact IBM technical support for
CMUN06020E SOURCE Operation failure: invalid code bundle
The storage management console server reports an internal service advisor error.
The code bundle that was copied to the storage management console is not valid.
Download a new copy of the code bundle and try again. If the problem persists,
contact IBM technical support for assistance.
CMUN06021E SOURCE Operation failure: invalid file or directory
The storage management console server reports an internal service advisor error.
v Environment variables might not be set properly.
Chapter 7. DS storage management console server messages 307