
The tag name is defined in the <name> tag:
The next line identifies the location of the Java source code to execute when this url tag is
encountered on a JSP:
The source code for all of the Java classes specified in the LMS custom TLD files is stored in the
following directory:
The url tag source is no exception; the UrlTag.java file is stored in the lmm>WEB-
INF>classes>com>lotus>elearn>taglib directory.
The bodycontent tag provides information on the content of the body of the JSP tag and is
intended for use by page composition tools:
“Jsp” indicates that the body of the tag contains nested JSP syntax. Page composition tools know
how to handle Jsp syntax. Some JSP tags have bodycontent tags that contain “Empty.” This
specifies that no text can display in this tag when it is executed.
Once the properties of the JSP tag are defined, any attributes associated with the JSP tag are then
defined before the closing JSP tag (</tag>) is reached. Each attribute has a name tag and two
more informational tags, the “required” and “rtexpvalue” tags. If the required tag is set to “true,”
any time you include the JSP tag in a page, you must provide a value for this attribute for the tag
to be evaluated properly. The rtexpvalue tag indicates whether or not the value of the attribute
may be dynamically calculated at request time, as opposed to being a static value determined at
translation time.
The first attribute of the url tag, named encodeURL, is not required and its value cannot be
dynamically calculated at request time. This attribute takes a Boolean value that indicates
whether or not to call the HTTPResponse.encodeURL() method to encode the URL included in
the body of the tag into a browser-readable format. This attribute should be set to true for URLs
that target other pages in the application, since it encodes the URL with the session ID, if
necessary. (For browser clients that do not accept cookies, this is the only way to pass the session
ID and maintain the session state information for the application.)
The next two attributes, the useCustomDsPath and useCustomLmmPath attributes, are also not
required. The values of these attributes can be dynamically calculated at request time. These
attributes take Boolean values and indicate whether or not the customization set paths provided
for the Delivery(DS directory) and Learning Management System (LMM directory) servers
should be used in locating the URL included in the body of the tag. The default value for these
tags is “true,” which indicates to apply the customization set path to the supplied URL, if a
customization set exists. Setting these to false forces the retrieval of a resource from a specific
URL regardless of whether customization sets are in effect for an application.
22 IBM Lotus Learning Management System Release 1 Customization Guide