The body of the delivery:action tag identifies the action used to display the frame. The body
maps to the action path in the Struts-config.xml file on the Delivery server. The JSP defined in the
path attribute of the forward tag is the JSP to display in the frame if the action results in that
forward. For example, the activityTools delivery:action tag corresponds to the following action
<action path="/activityTools"
<forward name="success" path="/activityTools.jsp" />
The type attribute of the action defines the FrameActivityToolsAction as the action handler. Once
the action is handled, the handler returns a forward value. If the forward it returns is “success,”
the mapping identifies activityTools.jsp as the page to display in the frame.
The URL of the page to display in the content frame is either:
• If the action handler determines that there is content to display, the base URL supplied by
the content package and any other parameters needed to track the content define the page
to display.
• If there is no content to display, the frame displays a JSP that contains details of the
activity currently selected in the activityTools frame. The frame determines which page to
display based on the content action mapping in the Struts-config.xml file. The content
action mapping entry follows:
<action path="/content"
<forward name="faceToFaceDetails"
path="/activityDetailsFaceToFace.jsp" />
<forward name="genericDetails" path="/activityDetailsGeneral.jsp" />
<forward name="lvcDetails" path="/activityDetailsLVC.jsp" />
<forward name="topicDetails" path="/topicDetails.jsp" />
<forward name="courseDetails" path="/courseDetails.jsp" />
This mapping instructs the content frame to display one of the following pages, depending on the
current activity:
• If the activity is a course, courseDetails.jsp
• If the activity is a topic, topicDetails.jsp
• If the activity is a face-to-face exercise, activityDetailsFaceToFace.jsp
• If the activity is a live chat, activityDetailsLVC.jsp
• If it is any other activity, activityDetailsGeneral.jsp
Making global changes
You can make changes that apply to all the JSPs on a given server in the following areas:
• Application style
• Page text
Chapter 5: Customizing JavaServer Pages 31