Table of sample matching strings
Type Example matches
User Fulano de Tal/Cambridge/IBM
cn=Fulano de Tal,ou=Cambridge,o=IBM
cn=Jan Doe,ou=West5,ou=Weston,o=IBM
A person (Fulano de Tal) at IBM in
Same as above
A person (Jan Doe) at the West5
office of IBM in Weston
Anyone at IBM in Cambridge
Anyone at IBM in Cambridge
Anyone at all
Group GroupCD/Groups/whatever
Everybody in this group
Everybody in this group
Everybody with this attribute with
a value fr
Everybody with this attribute no
matter what its value (if any)
Same as the above
Everybody with this attribute to
which no values or an empty
value has been assigned
Everybody who doesn’t have this
Everybody who doesn’t have this
attribute or has it with a non-
empty value assigned to it
Everybody who doesn’t have this
attribute or has it without the
value fr assigned to it
All users whose department
number begins with 1.
All users whose surname is Jones.
• Logo URLthe branding logo to be displayed on each of the application’s pages.
• Logoff URLthe URL of the page to be displayed when a user exits from the
The dialog box also contains a number of checkboxes:
• Use Custom Imagesunchecked, the customization set uses the image files in the
LMM Images directory; checked, the image files in the customization set’s Images
directory are to be used.
• Use Help unchecked, the customization set uses the Help files in the LMM Help
directory; checked, the files in the customization set’s Help directory are to be
• Use CSS unchecked, the customization set uses the CSS files in the LMM CSS
directory; checked, the files in the customization set’s CSS directory are to be
• Use JSP unchecked, the customization set uses the JSPs in the LMM Web server
directory; checked, the JSPs in the customization set’s Web server directory are to
be used.
• Use templates unchecked, the customization set uses the templates for e-mail
and notifications in the LMM server’s resources directory; checked, the templates
in the customization set’s resources directory are used.
Chapter 7: Customization sets 53