Table 1-6. SP Switch2 error conditions (continued)
Error # Device Message Link Message Description and Action
0 Uninitialized Uninitialized Description: Switch adapter has not been initialized.
Processor node may not recognize adapter due to hardware
failure or bad software configuration.
1. If there are any other errors in the
/var/adm/SPlogs/css0/p0/ file on the primary
node, address those errors first.
Note: If the problem is on all nodes in the frame, check
for any hardware problems with the switch assembly.
Also check for switch-to-switch problems on all jacks of
the switch assembly.
2. If all the nodes are uninitialized except for the primary
node, verify that the primary node is connected to the
correct port.
3. Have customer verify that the correct switch software is
installed and running on the problem node. rc.switch
starts the fault_service_Worm_RTG_CS daemon.
v If the daemon starts, go to 6
v If the daemon does not start, go to 4
v When working with a two-plane SP Switch2 system,
add the adapter name to the command, as follows:
rc.switch -a
4. If you:
v Are not certain that the problem is hardware related,
go to the
Parallel System Support Programs for AIX:
Diagnosis Guide
v Are certain that you have a hardware problem, go to 5
5. If you get no result, try swapping in another switch
adapter. Repeat step 3. If you get a result, the problem
is probably resolved; repeat “Step 0620-001” on
page 1-17 for next problem or go to “Step 0620-021” on
page 1-27 to verify fix.
6. The problem is probably the switch assembly. Go to
“Step 0620-004” on page 1-22.
−1 N/A Link is not
Link is retiming
Description: Possible hardware problem.
Action: Go to “Step 0620-004” on page 1-22.
−2 N/A Wrap plug is
Description: Initialization detected a wrap plug or cable
rather than the expected cabling.
Action: Repeat “Step 0620-001” on page 1-17 for next
problem or go to “Step 0620-021” on page 1-27 to verify fix.
−3 Device has been
removed from
network because
of a bad signature
Link is not
Link failed to time
Description: Possible hardware problem.
Action: Go to “Step 0620-004” on page 1-22.
Switch Function (MAP 0620)
RS/6000 SP: SP Switch2 Service Guide